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Тема для иностранных коллег, Theme for foreign colleagues
[QUOTE]Старик пишет
Can it is more. All depends on purpose and requirements to division. But irrespective of quantity of parachute jumps, preparation is spent constantly.[/QUOTE]

Ok, they get a minimum of 6. I suppose that applies for to the 56th, 11th and possibly Naval Infantry as well? Thanks, bro.
Тема для иностранных коллег, Theme for foreign colleagues
[QUOTE]Старик пишет
Each soldier the commando under the plan of combat training is obliged to make six parachute jumps in a year. But this figure can vary depending on conditions and purpose of divisions.[/QUOTE]

Cammondos are scheduled to make 6 ... but may make more or may make less in a year?
Тема для иностранных коллег, Theme for foreign colleagues
[QUOTE]Старик пишет
That is you suggest to make mobile infantry of air landing armies?[/QUOTE]

Nope! It seems to me they are tactical - or maybe operational, not a regular leg infantry. Making them ordinary infantry would be a supreme insult to the DSHB. General Kolmakov mentions that in each air-assalut division (76th, 7th) one battalion is reserved for airborne, while the other(s) for air assault. So, I was wondering if the air-assault battalions have to make parachute jumps during the year as a requirement to maintain their "airborne" status, or just perfect their air assault skills.

[URL=http://www.vpk-news.ru/default.asp?pr_sign=archive.2007.170.armynews]http://www.vpk-news.ru/default.asp?pr_sign...07.170.armynews[/URL] [НОВАЯ СТРУКТУРА ВДВ]
Тема для иностранных коллег, Theme for foreign colleagues
Sorry again to the administrators of this board, the language interpretation is challenging and ergo, navigating. My question is, do DSHB battalions that normally conduct heliborne insertions (as apposed to DSHB parachute battalions), conduct parachute exercises during the year at all, or just focus on air-assault? I understand they are all airborne-qualified and it is interesting to note that the US equivalent (101st Airborne Division) receives no parachute training despite the division name. Thanks!
[ Закрыто] DSHB Insertion training
[QUOTE]Хорст пишет
Hey,Spy!Are you diver or ex-POW?[/QUOTE]
Spy? :lol: Diver - just 3 jumps w/T-10. Forget about it! Nice talking to you all.
[ Закрыто] DSHB Insertion training
Huh??? :lol:
[ Закрыто] DSHB Insertion training
Sorry for posting incorrectly before. I am an American with much admiration for the VDV. My question is, do DSHB battalions that normally conduct heliborne insertions (as apposed to DSHB parachute battalions), conduct parachute exercises during the year at all, or just focus on air-assault? I understand they are all airborne-qualified and it is interesting to note that the US equivalent (101st Airborne Division) receives no parachute training despite the division name. Thank you!
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